Please complete the following form to register. If you have already registered, sign in now.

Our LMS requires that everyone – including people who have taken trainings in the past – establish themselves in the system. This includes completing demographic data that is compiled only for reporting purposes and not associated with individual users. Once you have registered in the LMS, the next time you log in with your user ID and password, subsequent event registrations will be abbreviated and event specific.

* Required Fields

First Name *
Last Name *
Position *
Agency *
Address *
City *
Zip Code *   
Work Phone   
Email *
   This must be a valid email address  
Is this your first training/event offered by us? *

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (compiled only for reporting purposes, not associated with individual users)
Your Date of Birth: *
Only Year is Required
Gender *
Ethnicity *
Race (check all that apply) *

Which of the following best describes your profession / occupational classification? *
Which is your employment location type? *
Employment Setting *

At which of the following sites do you regularly work? (check all that apply) *

  Username *
  Password *
  Password Confirm *
